Thousands of lives were stolen, and many more souls carry the weight of pain. Today, as tears continue to fall, we reach out to the world, hoping for hands to hold and hearts to heal together.

Where Will Your Embrace Reach?

Tender Hugs

Offering warmth, food, clean water, and shelter to those with tearful eyes.

Healing Touch

Bringing solace to the wounded with care, medicines, and a promise of tomorrow.

Restoring Memories

Helping rebuild the walls that once echoed laughter, dreams, and hopes.

Mental Embrace

Wrapping traumatized souls in understanding and therapy, making sure no one feels alone.

Voices from the Rubble:

Amina, a grieving mothe

"My city crumbles, but I see hope in every helping hand and hear it in every comforting word."

Youssef, a young boy

"When the earth shook, I lost my home. But every donor's love feels like a brick rebuilding it.

All Donations Go Integrally To RizQ Foundation

Hearts touched and uplifted:


Waves of love received in donations (In Euro):


Whispered Echoes of Support:

Share Marrakech's Whisper

Let the world feel our pulse by sharing our mission, using #MarrakechHeartbeat

Walk Beside Us

Step onto Marrakech's streets, and let your spirit uplift ours. [Link to volunteer form]

Echo Our Plea

Lend your influential voice or resources to magnify our heartfelt call. [Link to partnership form]

Connect with Marrakech's Soul

Email, helpline for comforting words, and an address for heartfelt letters.

Soulful Links

Iconic links to platforms that echo our stories - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Trustmarks of Love

Security badges, and emblems representing our transparent heart and genuine efforts.

 Every heartbeat of Marrakech is intertwined with tales of love, loss, and longing. But with every embrace, every tear wiped, and every hand held, we find strength. Let Marrakech’s heartbeat resonate within you. Answer our call, and let’s heal together. For every soulful corner of Marrakech, for every teardrop, for the very essence of humanity.